Chargemap's evaluation Policy
At Chargemap, we believe that evaluations posted by users are a key source of information for the entire community. We therefore encourage our users to give constructive, relevant feedback on the charging pools they have used.
Who can post an evaluation?
All Chargemap users who have an account, have accepted our terms and conditions of use, and have tried to charge at a charging pool can post an evaluation.
How can I post an evaluation?
charge, you will be automatically invited to evaluate the charging pool you used via a notification push and an email sent after the charging session. You can also give feedback on your charging experience directly in the app using the Contribute tab. If you did not charge using your Chargemap Pass, you can go to the charging pool page on the map and click on the “Contribute” button and then "Register a charging session". You will then be invited to give more detailed feedback on your charging experience and to evaluate the pool.
If you attempted to charge, but failed, you can also evaluate the charging pool for which your charging session failed. To do this, tap on the “Contribute” tab in the mobile app or on the charging pool page on the map and click on “Contribute” then "Alert the community", finally, select "The station is not working properly”. You will be invited to give further details on the problem encountered and to evaluate the charging pool.
Note that, whether your charging operation was successful or not, you can only evaluate a charging pool if you have not rated the same charging pool over the last 7 days. If you have posted an evaluation, the screens allowing you to rate the charging pool in question will not be displayed. And you will not receive a push notification or email inviting you to evaluate this particular charging pool.
What are the evaluation criteria?
Users can rate a charging station by assigning an overall rating for the charging experience, then a more detailed rating for 4 specific rating criteria.
The rating criteria are as follows:
- Overall charging experience
This represents the user’s overall opinion of this charging pool, without mention of any specific criteria. - Reliability of the equipment
Refers to the ease of use and starting the charging operation, a comparison between the power delivered and the power the user was expecting, the condition of the charging station and cables, and the readability and use of the screen. - Value for money ratio
Refers to pricing compared to the competition and the services available in the area. - Relevance of the location and nearby services
Refers to how easy it is to locate the charging pool, its accessibility from main roads and the useful services and amenities available. - Convenience and safety of the site
Refers to whether there is a roof providing protection from rain and sun, how well lit the place is, the quality of usage, the size of the parking spaces and its overall cleanliness.
When a user rates a charging pool, it is the score given for the overall experience that is retained. The scores allocated to the other criteria give you a breakdown of the score within a specific context. Users can also leave an additional comment after evaluating a charging pool or report a problem related to the charging station.
When should I post an evaluation?
Users can post feedback in the following instances:
- They have recorded a charging session manually
- They have charged using their Chargemap Pass
- They have reported a problem linked with the charging station
Users have up to 7 days to post an evaluation after ending their charging operation or stating a problem. Beyond this time limit, the charging pool will not be available for evaluation and the user cannot select a date above 7 days to rate the pool. It should also be noted that whether the charging session was successful or not, users cannot evaluate a charging pool if they have already rated it during the last 7 days. In this instance, the evaluation screens will not be displayed.
Where and how are the evaluations displayed?
When you consult a charging pool page on the Chargemap app or the website, you can see the average score allocated to the pool together with a rating in stars. This score is calculated on the basis of the evaluations received over the last 90 days. When you click on the score, you can access the detailed scores for each evaluation criterion, giving you a clearer idea of the pool’s quality. Furthermore, next to the score for the charging pool, you will find the number of evaluations posted for this charging pool since it first appeared on the Chargemap map.

The evaluations posted by users are also displayed in the “Comment” tab on the community stream. They are presented in reverse chronological order together with all the community’s feedback. You can click on the detailed score (by criteria) of a specific user by clicking on the stars given with their score. Note that users can choose to display their alias or not before posting an evaluation, and therefore can opt to be anonymous.
View of an evaluation in the community stream on the mobile app:

View of the details of an evaluation:

How are these evaluations managed?
Chargemap has decided to limit the number of comments to 1 evaluation maximum per user per pooling zone over a period of 7 days. The aim behind this rule is to prevent spamming with unjustified positive or negative evaluations. We are also planning on setting up the idea of “verified feedback” in the near future, to give greater weight to guaranteed authentic comments.
All comments linked to the evaluations are moderated by Chargemap. We reserve the right to modify or suppress any comment or opinion which does not respect the rules of publication (e.g. the use of strong language or spamming) or the laws in force. To this effect, a network may only request the deletion of a comment if it does not adhere to our publication rules or the law. We undertake to protect the integrity of our platform and not to delete comments or evaluations simply because a particular network does not like them. However, we encourage networks to contact us directly to discuss any specific issue they may have. We shall deal with all requests for deletion impartially and transparently.
The comments and opinions reflect what their authors think, not our company. We cannot be held liable for the content of these comments and opinion, and we cannot be held liable for any prejudice or loss incurred resulting from the usage thereof.
We hope that this article has helped clarify our approach and our practices related to feedback. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.