How am I billed?

With the Chargemap Pass, there's no need to credit your account: you can recharge your vehicle as soon as your badge is activated!

At the beginning of each month, you'll receive a invoice detailing your consumption for the past month. The amount will be debited from the payment method you specified when purchasing your Chargemap Pass.

In order to combat fraud, when the cumulative amount of recharges made with the user's Chargemap Pass reaches or exceeds €70 (incl. tax) in the course of a calendar month :

- CHARGEMAP may send the user a corresponding interim invoice;

- for the remainder of the calendar month, a new intermediate invoice may be sent to the user each time the cumulative amount of his or her charging sessions reaches or exceeds a new €70 (incl. tax);

- finally, an invoice will be sent to the user for the remainder of his charging sessions for the calendar month, on the 2d of the following month.

You can change your payment method at any time from your Chargemap user interface.

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